Today marks the debut of a new feature which I'm going to call "Visiting Collections." While browsing around online a few weeks ago, I came across an online photo album featuring some really awesome Rickey items, including a 1983 game used bat and jersey. But, what I found really interesting, were a few pictures from his High School Yearbook.
I e-mailed the owner of the album, and Steve quickly responded and sent me a ton of pictures from what I think is a very cool piece of Rickey memorabilia. Rickey graduated in 1976 from Oakland Technical High School, and was drafted in the fourth round by the A's that same year.

Even though he was a 3-sport athlete, Rickey did at least find some time to attend his Social Studies class.

In what will come as no surprise to anyone, Rickey was voted to be in the "Best Shape," by his classmates. Even in retirement, Rickey's still probably in better shape than most active major leaguers today.

Aside from baseball, Rickey was also played football his Senior year. The picture is a little small, but Rickey is in the front row on the far right hand side.

Here's an "action shot" of Rickey "in for a rest." The captions on the pictures are really hilarious, and will be even more so when we get to the baseball pictures. Note that Rickey is wearing #35, the number he wore when he first came up with the A's.

Rickey was arguably a better football player than baseball player in high school. He was voted 1975 All City 1st Team running back and 2nd Team linebacker. Although not mentioned, Rickey was also an All-American running back his Senior year.
Just as a side note, one of my biggest pet peeves is when Rickey is spelled "Ricky." I guess I could let it slide in a high school yearbook, but there's not really an excuse once he became a major leaguer.

Since he seemed to have plenty of spare time, Rickey also played on the Varsity basketball team. He's kneeling in the front row, the third from the left.

It's finally time for Rickey's Varsity baseball pictures. In the team picture on the bottom, "Ricky" is the first person on the bottom row on the left. He also appears in the picture in the middle of the page, as he "makes a hit."
Although not featuring Rickey, the picture on the left contains the caption, "Milton Knapp gets a double-hitter," which just makes me laugh. I'm assuming that he hit a double, but we may never know.

Finally, the picture you've all been waiting for, Rickey's senior portrait! I think it's hilarious how they included the astrological signs (Rickey's a Capricorn) of the Seniors underneath their pictures. It's also interested that Rickey is noted as playing Varsity football, as well as JV and Varsity basketball, but no mention is made of baseball?

I've saved the best for last, as this picture perfectly sums up Rickey. Even in high school, Rickey loved Rickey. In case you can't read it, the caption reads, "Being cool is What Ricky Henderson practices all day."

I want to once again than Steve for sending me these great photos. I also want to let everyone know about the pretty cool blog he's started, called Broken Bat Baseball Cards. The blog only features cards depicting shattered bats, which I think is a really fun concept.
I hope you enjoyed these pictures as much as I did. If anyone else has any interesting Rickey items that they'd like to share, just let me know, as I'd definitely be interested in showcasing anything fun that comes my way.
1 comment:
Rickey's High School Yearbook which detail mentioned here. This school have good reputation among students due to educational and non-educational activities. I think this website is good to have all information about this school and other educational events. However, I need superior papers com but students of this school and those who have desire to take admission must come this site.
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