Friday, December 5, 2008

Trade With Boxbusters

A few weeks ago I contacted Will at Boxbusters, asking if he'd be interested in an A's for Cardinals trade. I sent him about 50 cards, and he sent me the same in return.

The first half of the pack contained some 2008 A's that I still needed. I was actually a fan of the 2008 Topps design this year, but the Chrome versions look even better (although not when scanned)! I had the refractor parallel of the Chavez already, but now I have the base card to go along with it.

The Chavez card from Upper Deck Update is my favorite of this next batch. I love the picture of him snagging the liner out of the air. It almost looks like he's stretching for the ball at first base, but considering he's a third baseman, and the A's bullpen is behind him, I know that's not the case. Plus, there's no base to be seen.

The second half of the package contained some great older A's cards. I've always liked 1992 Stadium Club, with my favorite part being the picture of the players Topps rookie card on the back.

Finally, we have some 1987 Donruss, a single 1991 Score, and a stack of 1991 Donruss. I started collecting in 1987, and purchased a lot of Topps, but I don't think I got a single pack of Donruss for some reason. I've always been a fan of the early Score inserts, as you always got something interesting in every pack.


Ross said...

Glad they made it man. Look forward to the next swap ;)

ManOfSteal said...

Me too, the Cardinals stack is already beginning to grow!