I didn't get it from the stadium, but this "Collector's Series '87" cup from Yankee Stadium does feature Rickey, and probably came complete with a $10 beer. An artistic rendering of an action shot of Rickey is featured on one side of the cup, and in profile on the other.

I love the list of events that fans had to look forward to in 1987. I bet they had a sell-out crowd on the 4th of July for the Miami Sound Machine concert!

I used to love getting those cups when I'd go to Yankee Stadium as a kid. I saved my Henderson & Willie Randolph cups. Never got a Mattingly one, maybe I'll pick one up to complete the set.
You can provide find them on Ebay fairly cheaply! Whenever I attended an A's game, I used to collect the cups as well. There should be a large stack around somewhere!
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